Monday, March 19, 2007

John and Andy... the dawning of a new age


Alexis said...

I've heard complaints from you two at times about the lack of comments, so here you go:

(chanted sports-arena style)

JOHN - AND - AN - DY!!!!

JOHN - AND - AN - DY!!!!

JOHN - AND - AN - DY!!!!

Thank you for the new picture. Keep 'em coming.

Allison said...

Yay a new one! I have been waiting to see this one since it was taken months the way you didn't share your vacation pictures with me...which makes me a sad panda... Graham looks pretty stoked to be a part of this John and Andy, and I don't know if I knew you were taking this, but I look kind of pissed. Maybe it's because I wasn't all the way in the picture. =0)